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Dates venues and booking information, can be found here.
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11th December 2008
Doors open 7.30pm

Show Starts 9pm

Primrose Hill Street, Coventry, Midlands. CV1 5LY

click on image for club details

THE POCKETS Tickets available from
The Kasbah
Primrose Hill Street, Coventry, Midlands. CV1 5LY

07791298663 ( Thanos )  07887510303 ( Dee)


Hanninigans, 3 Hales Street, CV1 1JB, 02476-223536

£5 entry

For the Club with  the greatest smoking / beer Garden and the warmest of receptions  visit the Kasbah

  We are Imagine Live  bringing you the best Music Events.
Be there!  or if you can't, watch it here live and previous shows.


Click on 'On Demand' to see previous shows.

Contact us at party@smokers-reunited.co.uk to recommend your favourite band and join us
on Myspace to receive event/ news updates

visit Imaginelive

We are here to help promote your event. We list your event and promote on our site and regular
posts to our friends on Myspace



Listings are FREE for venues listed on this site
Unlisted venues / people can add your event to the Diary for only £10

Click here now to add  your event/party details and pay via Paypal
Your details will be live within a couple of days.

Find bands and musicians to play at your event check out our Music section .